3499拉斯维加斯(官方认证)服务器-Chinese version


Driven by end-market research, consumer behavior studies, and latest expert insights, We can provide you with competitive and differentiated packaging solutions.

Home - Industries

Personality and Trend,The focus of life

We are an innovative research-based provider of "green, automated and personalized" packaging solutions for the beauty and cosmetic, personal and home care, and oral care industries. With deep insight into consumer needs and preferences and understanding of market, brand needs and product characteristics, we deliver one-stop services from graphic design, structural creativity, material selection, process combination to production.

Customer Industries

Green and Healthy ,Assured to Choose

We serve segments including packaged snacks, functional foods, OTC drugs with our competitive, intelligent and personalized products. The QS workshop of direct food contact packaging , ensuring the supply of hygienic, safe and consistent food packaging.

Health Products

Smarter and Faster,High-End and Greener

We offer a full range of paper printing and packaging products for well-known brands in smartphones, smart hardware, wearable devices, small personal care appliances, vapors and other industries, as well as non-printed pulp molding, injection molding, vacuum forming and other packaging products for the electronics industry.
We have world-leading printing and packaging equipment and quality management systems, as well as intelligent manufacturing plants throughout major developed economic zones in China for the efficient delivery of cost-effective, green, and intelligent one-stop solutions.


Exquisite Craftsmanship,Casting Brand

Since wine boxes can determine consumer's perception of a brand, we make sure the details and visuals are delicate and exquisite enough to stun them.

Tabacco & Alcohol

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Whether you want to seek a solution or provide us with comments and suggestions, please contact us. We will help you solve problems quickly and easily.

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